Europace’s journey to Inner­Source

Published On: 31. Januar 2020|Categories: Tech|
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Europace is a network-centric organization within a network of organiza­tions (Hypoport). It uses the self-organization framework Holacracy as its operating system—loosely coupled, autonomous teams are working together for a common purpose. But with autonomy also comes a trend towards self-suffi­ciency. In the years after starting with self-organization we experi­enced a lot of “reinventing the wheel” instead of company-wide colla­bo­ration. In order to find a way out of this dilemma we looked at the open source world, especially on how colla­bo­ration works in such a distri­buted world. What we found was The Apache Way.

Next, a group of people interested and experi­enced in Open Source founded a community of practice at Europace. Together, we run experi­ments for applying the patterns of The Apache Way at our teams. As a result of those experi­ments these patterns can nowadays be found every­where at Europace, especially when it comes to colla­bo­ration between teams. But we did not stop there, we kept on running experi­ments in order to improve the Inner­Source experience at Europace. In my talk at the GitHub Enter­prise Roadshow in Munich this week I presented some of our experi­ments and what we disco­vered on our journey so far.

Here are the slides of this presen­tation: